I don’t know for sure. That is, I can’t give you a universal answer; the type of absolute truth that provides a point of certainty from which to argue against all others.
What I can do is write about what happens when I ask the question and leave a space. What I can give you is access to the truths that I encounter when I ponder my experience of simply being. For example, a Human Angel or Deva Avatar is someone who has no will separate from all that is; a person with all the attributes we identify as human, except that we are of full soul and body — whatever that means!
Other Perspectives

Human Angels from We Are Human Angels
“Human Angels are souls who have chosen to be born now on this planet to awaken themselves and humanity to Unconditional Love and Awareness of the Oneness. Human Angels are beacons that simply by being who they are illuminate the darkness, to help those who are still on the path to stay the course.
” — We Are Human Angels
- Since childhood have wanted to change the world and have not stopped believing;
- Have always dreamed of relieving the sorrows of all living beings;
- Have a special talent to help others;
- Have an out of the ordinary sensitivity;
- Have overcome difficult trials in their life;
- Think that despite everything, life should be lived with joy;
- While trying to give meaning to their suffering, they believe that there must be a way to stop theirs and others’ suffering;
- In their heart there is no room for hatred and resentment;
- Always try to change evil into good and darkness into light;
- Always follow their heart even when it seems to be the hardest thing to do;
- Always had a vision of heaven on earth and would like to spread it throughout the world;
- Have the ability to read people and know what is hidden within their hearts;
- Silently bless everyone they encounter in their life;
- From the very beginning, have always felt a sense of not belonging to this world;
- Have never been able to relate themselves with any group of people, but they have always had a deep desire to connect themselves with their Soul’s family here on earth;
- The search for truth is their greatest passion;
- Live with honesty even when it hurts;
- Believe in the healing power of Love;
- Have the same dreams they had when they were a pure-hearted child;
- Feel they were born for a greater purpose and would like to express it;
- They stand up for what they believe, even if it means standing alone.

Earth Angels from Doreen Virtue
“An Earth Angel is a soul with non-Earthly origins.
” — ‘Earth Angels: A pocket guide for Incarnated Angels, Elementals, Starpeople, Walk-Ins, and Wizards’ by Doreen Virtue.
- Have a passion and talent for healing, teaching, or helping others, yet have substance abuse problems, weight issues, relationship challenges, and the like;
- Are highly sensitive and abhor violence in any form;
- Feel different from other people, as if they were dropped off on this planet and wonder when someone’s coming to take them home;
- Accepted their Divine assignment to come to Earth and spread their teachings and healing energies;
- Are one of five groups – incarnated angels, elementals, starpeople, walk-ins, and wizards (see below).
Incarnated Angels
- Have angelic faces, heavyset bodies, histories of co-dependent relationships, and are professional helpers.
Incarnated Elementals
- Have red hair, and a thin, lanky body.
- Highly enlightened souls who negotiate with a human who’s unhappy about living on Earth and who’s seriously contemplating suicide;
- Don’t remember the soul exchange;
- Feel as if they’re living in the wrong movie.
Wizards (or Wise Ones)
- Reincarnated wizards, high-priestesses, witches, sorcerers, and sorceresses